What is a Power of Attorney?
Is a legal document which lets you choose somebody you trust to look after your affairs.
What if you have not planned ahead?
If you (or someone close to you) have not prepared a Lasting or Enduring Power of Attorney and you become incapable of managing your own affairs – it would be necessary for a Deputyship Order to be applied for. This involves making an application to the Court of Protection, which can be by a family member, a trusted friend or perhaps a family solicitor.
If a Deputy is needed they are required to submit detailed application forms in order to be approved. Once acting as Deputy, they must take out a special insurance bond, produce an annual report and keep accounts. At Hansells we can help you with all of these legal formalities and we can also act as Deputy for you.
Preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney in advance will ensure the person you choose deals with your affairs when you can’t.
How can Hansells help?
We can:
- prepare a General Power of Attorney.
- register an Enduring Power of Attorney.
- prepare and register a Lasting Power of Attorney.
- Advise and support Attorneys acting under a Power of Attorney; and
- on the choice of Deputy should a Power of Attorney not exist.
- Advise and support Deputies throughout the application process.
- Act as the Attorney or Deputy when you need someone experienced and independent to assist.
Prepare for the future today
Whether you want to plan ahead or you need help and advice on becoming or appointing a Deputy, do get in touch.
We can talk you through everything on the phone or meet you face to face. We can also send you more detailed information.
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) and Deputy Panel Members.
STEP members keep up to date with the latest legal, technical and regulatory developments.
SFE members are all specialists in older client law, but what sets SFE members apart from other lawyers are their specialist client care skills that enable them to advise and support older and vulnerable clients. – click here to view our Code of Practice and Client Care Procedures. Samantha Loombe is an Associate Member of SFE.